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Kurji Holy Family Hospital is the old private hospital in Patna and continues to remain in its charitable objectives since its inception in 1939.

Hospital : KHFH today offers specialized care in Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology (Eye), ENT and Plastic Surgery.  These Departments are supported by well-equipped laboratory with auto-analysers for Bio-Chemistry and Hematology, Histopathology and Bacteriology. We have a full-fledged Blood Bank as well. Radiology department have Digital X-ray, Echo, Ultrasound with colour Doppler and Video Endoscope, which makes the investigations easier and faster. The hospital has five well equipped operation theatres with the latest SA-2/RA-2 Electronic Anaesthesia Ventilator. Hospital is open for 24-hour casualty service with investigational backup at all times.  We have computerized hospital management system and well-staffed Registration, Admission, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Personnel, Billing, Accounts and Administration Departments Our Intensive Care Units for care of critical patients with the necessary equipment for monitoring and care including Ventilator support. The excellent nursing care offered attracts many critical patients to the hospital.  The hospital has added Naturopathy department from 1980 in its search for alternate methods of healing which are less expensive and less hazardous and non-invasive to patients.

Other departments: The clinical care of the patient is further supported by a well-equipped physiotherapy department. The hospital has a good dietary department and a mechanized laundry which takes care of the needs of over 250 patients daily.  The maintenance department sees to the smooth running of the hospital and the housekeeping staff daily engage themselves in keeping the hospital clean, making it a pleasant place for the patients to stay and move about.


Community Health Centers:  Since 1960's the hospital has reached out to the people through its Community Health and Rural Development centers (CHRD) in Kurji, Dibra and Maner.  Today the centers in Kurji and Maner offer valuable services to the marginalized sections of our society in collaboration with the Bihar Government, in the areas of Immunization, ANC General Clinics, Leprosy, and TB. We work with PLWHAs (People living with HIV/AIDS) through Projects funded by CRS and TIDES Foundation. Regular health education at the centre and in home visits has promoted better understanding of health among the people. Other programs include School Health, Non-Formal Education, School HIV/AIDS Awareness, Self Help Groups, Girl Child Literacy program. Efforts are made to reach out to the Musahar community, the focus being education for their women and children and leadership training for the youth and community.

Education: KHFH is training oriented in all its activities. The School of Nursing began in 1940 at Patna City, later in 1958 it was moved to the present place. A 31/2 year Diploma course in General Nursing & Midwifery and a two year course in Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) recognized by the Indian Nursing Council are conducted. The School of Medical Laboratory Technology started in 1971. Examinations are conducted on all India level by Indian Medical Council.

Intern-houseman programs for the budding doctors, approved by Indian Medical Council and DNB (Directorate of National Board) Training Program in the departments of Pediatrics and  Obstetrics & Gynecologic are also conducted. Besides professional skills, knowledge and competence, importance is given to all around development to make each student a wholesome person. Today KHFH graduates are all over the world, upholding the spirit of Holy Family Hospital.

For more details on Education Programs at KHFH <click here >

Work Culture: Kurji Holy Family Hospital management is participative in its nature thus giving opportunities for all the co-workers to be part and parcel of the Hospital vision and philosophy to take care of the sick with competence, love and compassion.  The hospital has a well set up personnel department taking care of its employees numbering close to 600 and provides on-going education programs for development.

For photo gallery <click Here>

Quality: We are a ISO 9001-2015 Accredited Hospital from 2012 Quality. We have received the accreditation certificated from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on 26/12/2012. 

According to ISO, quality means “doing right this the right way, first time and every time.” 

This is one way to assure our patients of meeting their expectations, meeting the statutory and regulatory requirements, and enhancing our patients’ satisfaction and continual improvement of services, processes and projects. 

Precisely quality service is nothing but love in work clothes.


Summary: In summary, Today the presence of Kurii Holy Family Hospital in Patna means a broad spectrum of curative and preventive health care services, community development and social welfare programs, training and self-help projects that foster the full development of people.

Kurji Holy Family Hospital, Sadaquat Ashram P.O Patna 800 010

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call  0612-2262540, 2264117, 2262156

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